Preferences Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2020 Edition

If an agent forms a specificpreference as a result of some experience, further changes in heroverall preference state are often necessary to regainconsistency. The model of preference change proper shows which pathconsistency restoration will take, conditional on the previous stateand the available dynamic information, and it determines what theensuing state will look like. Two kinds of beliefs are especially important for doxastic models.The first is the belief that a state X is instrumental inbringing about a desired state Y. More generally, if X∧Y is preferred to X∧¬Y, then a rise of the probability that Y given X willresult in a rise in the desirability of X, and viceversa. It may be the case that an agent chooses Xi underprices Pi and Xj under pricesPj, even though Xi ×Pi ≥ Xj ×Pi and Xj ×Pj ≥ Xi ×Pj.

Preference criticism

You might say that Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix, is a pretty creative person. We do not exactly know how many ideas he had over the course of his career, but his ideas are fairly different from one another. After teaching math in Africa with the Peace Corps, Hastings was accepted at Stanford University, where he earned a master’s degree in computer science. Soon after starting work at a software company, he invented a successful debugging tool, which led to his founding the computer troubleshooting company Pure Software in 1991. After a merger and the subsequent sale of the resulting company in 1997, Hastings founded Netflix, which revolutionized the DVD rental business through online rentals with no late fees. As you can see, his ideas are high in originality and flexibility (Conlin, 2007).

Preference change

  1. A model of preference change cantherefore be constructed as an input-output model in the same style asstandard models of belief change.
  2. First-order preferences arecriticisable if they do not comply with second-order preferences.
  3. It is the first major purchase of your life, and you want to make the right choice.
  4. If an agent forms a specific preference as a result of someexperience, further changes in her overall preference state are oftennecessary to regain consistency.
  5. A second argument for preference change is based on the correlationsbetween physiological changes and changes in behaviour.

If it isto be determined by others than the individual whose welfare isconcerned, then problems of paternalism will be difficult to avoid. Voting procedures are often described as methods for aggregating orcombining preferences. Such aggregation can also be performed by abenevolent planner striving to take the wishes and/or interests of allconcerned persons into account. A weak preference relation \(\succcurlyeq\) iscalled quasi-transitive if its strict part \(\succ\) istransitive. The relations of preference and indifference between alternatives areusually denoted by the symbols \(\succ\) and \(\sim\) or alternatively by\(P\) and \(I\). In accordance with a long-standingphilosophical tradition, \(A\succ B\) is taken torepresent “\(B\) is worse than \(A\)”, as wellas “\(A\) is better than \(B\)”.

1 Property-preferences

The usual way to deal with this is to require thatpreferences are filtered (“laundered”) and/or refinedbefore they are used to judge a person’s welfare. An interval scale allows for meaningfulcomparisons of differences (e.g. “43°C is as much hotter than 41°C as 29°C is hotter than 27°C”). In addition, a ratioscale also allows for meaningful comparisons of ratios (e.g. “12m is twiceas long as 6m”). Although there have been some attempts to measurepreferences on a ratio scale (in particular, see Kahneman andTversky’s (1979) Prospect Theory, which requires anatural zero point and thus a ratio scale), most efforts have focussedon measuring preferences on an interval scale. The categories summarized in the table below (based on Sen 1970a) arestandardly used to denominate preference relations that satisfycertain logical properties.

Numerical Representation of Preference

In accordance with a long-standingphilosophical tradition, A≻B is taken torepresent “B is worse than A”, as wellas “A is better than B”. The paper, ‘Neural correlates of evidence accumulation during value-based decisions revealed via simultaneous EEG-fMRI’ is published in Nature Communications. These distinctions have often not been made in the literature onpreference combinations. Most formal studies in this area have beendevoted to preference-to-preference or preference-to-choicecombinations, that are assumed to represent both joint decisions(voting) and decisions based on individual wishes. However, in theinterpretation of formal results in this area, these distinctions canbe essential. In contrast, a voting procedure does not consist in combining thepreferences of the participants.

3 Transitivity

An agent who prefers X toY is expected to judge herself to be better off withX than with Y. But if preferences are tightly linkedto choice, the welfare interpretation is jeopardized. As Sen argues,people choose not only on the basis of their concern for their ownwelfare, but also on the basis of commitments—e.g.traditions, habits, moral maxims, etc. (Sen 1977).


At each advance he gets$10,000.” In this way he may “eventually reachsettings that will be so painful that he would then gladly relinquishhis fortune and return to 0” (Quinn 1990, 79). In fact, the availability of too much information can lead to analysis paralysis, where more and more time is spent on gathering information and thinking about it, but no decisions actually get made. Because many decisions involve an ethical component, one of the most important considerations in management is whether the decisions you are making as an employee or manager are ethical. Here are some basic questions you can ask yourself to assess the ethics of a decision (Blanchard & Peale, 1988).

Jeffrey’s model can be generalised byintroducing a more general probability updating rule (e.g., Jeffreyconditionalisation). It is based on relatively strong assumptions on the relationbetween prior and posterior unconditional preferences. There is a strong tradition, particularly in economics, to relatepreference to choice. Preference is linked to hypothetical choice, andchoice to revealed preference. We begin this section by presentingchoice functions and some of their main properties.

For example, many restaurants face customer complaints as a routine part of doing business. Because this is a recurring problem for restaurants, it may be regarded as a programmed decision. To deal with this problem, the restaurant might have a policy stating that every time they receive a valid customer complaint, the customer should receive a free dessert, which represents a decision rule. Making strategic, tactical, and operational decisions is an integral part of the planning function in the P-O-L-C (planning-organizing-leading-controlling) model.

Last, another type of formation rule considers one alternative atleast as good as another if it is strictly preferred according to themost relevant aspect, and in case of a tie, according to thenext relevant aspect. The third property requires that an element X that ischosen from every set in a particular class must also be chosen fromtheir union. There is a strong tradition, particularly in economics, to equatepreference with choice. Preference is considered to be hypotheticalchoice, and choice to be revealed preference. In another famous example by Warren S. Quinn, a medical device hasbeen implanted into the body of a person (the self-torturer). Each week, the self-torturer “hasonly two options—to stay put or to advance the dial onesetting.

Onthe value side, many contend that a rational agent may simply find twooptions incomparable due to their incommensurablequalities. Likewise, on the belief side, some contend (notably,Joyce 2010 and Bradley 2017) that the evidence may be such that itdoes not commit a rational agent to precise degrees of beliefmeasurable by a unique probability function. That is, themain question of interest is what criteria an agent’s preferenceattitudes should satisfy in any genericcircumstances. This amounts to a minimal account ofrationality, one that sets aside more substantial questionsabout appropriate desires and reasonable beliefs, given the situationat hand.

If the choice function is defined over all relevant subsets of theset of alternatives, ≽R is always complete. However, ≻R may violate transitivity of strict preference, and ≽R may violate transitivity of indifference, IP- or PI-transitivity. We have seen that sequential decision trees can help an agent likeUlysses take stock of the consequences of his current choice, so thathe can better reflect on what to do now. The literature onsequential choice is primarily concerned, however, with more ambitiousquestions. The sequential-decision setting effectively offers new waysto “test” theories of rational preference and norms forpreference (or belief and desire) change.

This method has the obvious disadvantage that itsometimes lets a small disadvantage in one dimension outweigh a largeadvantage in another dimension. The most naturalreason for this is that the alternatives differ in terms of advantagesor disadvantages that we are unable to put on the same footing. Aperson may be unable to say which she prefers—the death of twospecified acquaintances or the death of a specified friend. She mayalso be unable to say whether she prefers the destruction of thepyramids in Giza or the extinction of the giant panda. Inenvironmental economics, as a third example, it is a controversialissue whether and to what extent environmental damage is comparable tomonetary loss. In common parlance, the term “preference” assumesdifferent meanings, including that of comparative evaluation,prioritisation or favouring, and choice ranking (See for instancethe Oxford English Dictionary).

The last section provided an interval-valued utility representation ofa person’s preferences over lotteries, on the assumption thatlotteries are evaluated in terms of expected utility. Why should we assume that people evaluate lotteriesin terms of their expected utilities? The vNM theorem effectivelyshores up the gaps in reasoning by shifting attention back to thepreference relation. In addition to Transitivity and Completeness, vNMintroduce further principles governing rational preferences overlotteries, and show that an agent’s preferences can berepresented as maximising expected utility whenever her preferencessatisfy these principles.

Another way to deal with conflictsis to look for the alternatives that are favoured by most (althoughnot all) of the preference relations. Preferences can be represented numerically.A≻B is then expressed by a numerical utilityfunction u that assigns a higher value to A than toB, while A∼B is represented byassigning the same value to the two. Such numerical representationsmight serve different purposes, one being that utility functions canbe analysed with the tools of maximisation under constraints, as donein economics. It is important, however, to stress the limitations ofsuch representations. Second, there are different scales by which preferencescan be represented, which require premises of different strengths.Third, the resulting utility representation must be clearlydistinguished from the older hedonistic concept of utility. Combinative preferences can be derived from exclusionary preferences,which are then taken to be more basic.

The objects of combinations are votes,that in most voting systems take the form of opting for one of thealternatives under consideration. (Of course, individuals can beexpected to vote in a way that reflects their preferences, but it isnevertheless the votes, not the preferences, that areinputs into the voting procedure.) Therefore, it is more adequate torepresent voting as a choice-to-choice procedure. In the former case, it would seem reasonable for workpapers definition the social plannerto use (individual) preferences as inputs into the procedure, whereasits outcome will be a (social) choice. A practicalreason for this is that in order to obtain a workable solution to asocial problem, the planner can use information not only about whateach individual would prefer most but also about how they value otheralternatives. Two major types of combinations of preferences are relevant insocial science and social philosophy.

The revealed preference method then elicits Xi≻CXj and Xj≻CXi, which violates asymmetry of strict preference. To avoid thisundesirable conclusion, only those choices are considered that satisfythe Weak Axiom of Revealed Preferences (WARP). It says thatif X is chosen when Y is available, then there canbe no budget set containing both alternatives for which Y ischosen and X is not (see section 3.1).

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